Graduate admissions at Missouri State University is a decentralized process. Admission
decisions are made by each graduate program. Therefore, specific questions regarding
your application/admission should be directed to your program of interest. The Graduate College can answer general questions, but does not provide academic
advising. For academic advising, contact the graduate program director who oversees
the program you are interested in pursuing.
If you would like to sit down to discuss the many different options offered through
Missouri State University, the Graduate College associate dean can provide you with
general information. Contact to schedule an appointment.
Absolutely. Feel free to email to express your interest in arranging to meet with the department or contact the
department on your own. You can also call 417-836-8829 to arrange an appointment.
This varies from program to program. Before starting your application, it is very
important to check on your academic program's page and contact the graduate program director. Some programs do require you to have a
faculty advisor.
If you are in the process of completing your bachelor's degree, you can submit an
application now. You will need to provide an official transcript showing conferral
of your bachelor's degree prior to registering for your second semester of classes.
Yes. You can take classes as a postbaccalaureate student classification (completion
of a bachelor's degree required.). Permission to register from the professor may be
required. Postbaccalaureate students are classified as nondegree-seeking and as such
have limited access to financial aid.
To be eligible for admission to graduate programs at Missouri State, you must meet
the following conditions set out in the Graduate Student Admissions Policy.
With the permission of the graduate program director, a student may transfer up to
30% of a graduate program. Access the Graduate Transfer Credit Policy.
This is something you should bring up with the graduate program director as each program
is different. You can find the graduate program director by visiting the program's website.
This is something you should bring up with the graduate program director as each program
is different. You can find the graduate program director by visiting the program's website.
Application deadlines vary from program to program. Before starting your application,
it is very important to check the deadlines on your academic program's page. Deadlines are also listed within the application for each program.
Your proposed program can tell you if they are still accepting applications. Check
your academic program's page for contact information.
Application fee
Applications fees may vary depending on the program or CAS. Please refer to the application
for more details.
The application fee is paid for online via credit/debit card.
No. Missouri State University does not have a late fee for a late application. That
being said, graduate programs with posted deadlines will generally not consider your
application after their deadline has passed.
No. The GradCAS application fee is non-refundable for domestic applicants and international
No. The graduate application fee is non-refundable.
After submitting your application
Applications are normally received one business day after they are submitted. Once your application is received and processed we will
send you an email confirmation.
You can check your application status through GradCAS.
No. Once the application has been submitted, it cannot be changed. Contact graduate admissions to request changes.
No. Once the application has been submitted, it cannot be changed. Contact graduate admissions to request changes.
At the graduate level each graduate program is a standalone program with individual
admission requirements. You will be required to submit a new graduate application.
No, the Graduate College does not defer applications. If you would like to be considered
for a different semester, you can submit a new application.
Applications are only good for the terms indicated in the application cycle (Spring,
Summer, Fall).
Yes. You will need to submit a new graduate application though we may still have your
transcripts on file. If you are reapplying to the same program, you may contact the
department to inquire if your letters of recommendation are still on file, however
most departments do not keep outdated application material.
This varies from program to program. You should direct your question to the graduate
program director of the graduate program to which you applied.
An applicant will not receive a MSU ID number until he/she is admitted to a graduate
program at Missouri State University.
Central Application Service
All of the following programs use their own third-party Central Application Service
(CAS) to make their initial admission decision. You do not apply to these programs
through GradCAS.
One must apply through each program's respective Central Application Service application.
For this reason, none of these applications are available through GradCAS.
Official admission will come via the graduate admissions office. Until you receive the admission email from graduate admissions with your BearPass
number (M#), you will be unable to create a new university User ID and be unable to
Graduate admissions will provide you with an admission email once the process of transferring
and admitted you in Missouri State's system is complete. The admission email will
include your student number (BearPass number).
Graduate admissions will provide you with an admission email once the process of transferring
and admitting you in Missouri State's system is complete. The admission email will
have directions on how to register for classes.
Graduate admissions will contact you by email if final, official transcripts are needed.
In general, we will pull the transcripts from the CAS system into our own system and
accept those as official. However, if you sent incomplete transcripts--transcripts
not showing receipt of a bachelor's degree--then you will be required to submit final,
official transcripts to graduate admissions at Missouri State University.
Graduate admissions will accept official GRE scores submitted to the respective CAS.
We will transfer this information into your Missouri State University account.