Tips for Mentors

Planning for research

You may wish to establish a research contract at the beginning of your work with a student to clearly outline expectations.

The following items are recommended for inclusion in the research contract:

  • Ownership of materials
  • Authorship
  • Timeline for research goals, including student deadlines and faculty turn-around time
  • Evaluation methods
  • Use of appropriate style guide

Accepting students

When considering to mentor or advise a student, we recommend that you:

  • Examine other commitments to determine if adequate time is available to take on advisees
  • Consider personal factors such as rapport with the student, as well as communication styles.

If you are not a good match with a particular student, consider directing them to a colleague that would be more appropriate for them.

Managing progress

The mentoring relationship provides a good opportunity to teach students about planning ahead and making good use of their time:

  • Break large tasks into smaller, more manageable pieces
  • Create a timeline to complete each piece
  • Set aside time for planning and personal responsibilities
  • Regular progress reports may help the student to focus and assist in maintaining clear communication with you

Let students know ahead of time what their responsibilities will include and agree on a timeline.

If a student does not meet time requirements, consider possible causes such as fatigue, unclear direction, lack of commitment or dislike for the task.