Graduate Faculty Appointment

Apply now for appointment
Upon receiving graduate faculty status, you can:
- Teach 700-level and above courses.
- Serve as a graduate program and research advisor (only research graduate faculty can serve as chair of a thesis/research committee).
- Serve on graduate faculty and program advisory committees.
- Elect members to and serve on Graduate Council.
(For a complete explanation, refer to the Faculty Handbook, Section 3.11.)
Criteria for graduate faculty appointment
Appointment to graduate faculty status is based on the minimum criteria outlined below.
Research faculty
- Terminal degree in discipline – PhD or equivalent.
- Minimum of three scholarly publications (or equivalent), or established record of reviewed exhibition or performance.
- Affirmative vote of approval by a majority of the graduate faculty within the nominating academic unit.
Application process
If you wish to be appointed to the graduate faculty, your application must include:
- Application form with signatures of applicant, department head and dean.
- Approved departmental criteria.
Professional faculty
- Terminal or graduate/professional degree in discipline.
- Professional certification whenever available.
- At least two years professional experience.
- Affirmative vote of approval by a majority of the graduate faculty within the nominating academic unit.
Application process
If you wish to be appointed to the graduate faculty, your application must include:
- Application form with signatures of applicant, department head and dean.
- Approved departmental criteria.
Application submissions
Email application to: - ATTN: Christy Graham
Note: All research and professional faculty recommendations must gain the majority vote of approval by the Graduate Council Membership Committee and be accepted by the Graduate Council.
Academic unit criteria
Each academic unit must have approved criteria on file with the Graduate College.
Download and submit form to update or submit new criteria for approval.