Graduate Program Completion Requirements

Op3.19-1 Graduate Program Completion Requirements

To earn a graduate certificate, a candidate must:

  1. Complete the minimum number of credit hours required for the graduate program. Keep in mind that courses taken for undergraduate credit may not be used for a graduate certificate.
  2. Attain a grade point average of at least 3.0 on all graduate work utilized in the program that includes Missouri State University and transfer courses.
  3. For course grades earned during the Fall 2023 semester or any subsequent semester, grades applied toward the certificate must be C- or higher. For course grades earned prior to the Fall 2023 semester, grades applied toward the certificate must be C or higher.
  4. Meet all additional program-specific certificate requirements; and
  5. Complete all requirements within an eight-year period (exclusive of time spent in the U.S. Armed Forces).

To complete a master’s or specialist degree, a candidate must:

  1. Complete the minimum number of credit hours required for the graduate program. Keep in mind that courses taken for undergraduate credit may not be used for a master’s or specialist degree.
  2. Complete at least one-half of the minimum semester hours in courses numbered 700 or higher, which signifies that the courses have no associated undergraduate parallel. Graduate courses provide a graduate-level experience and differ from undergraduate courses in the expectations/requirements.
  3. Fulfill no more than 49% of the required semester hours by combining senior permission (up to 12 hours), courses taken prior to admission to the program (up to 30%), transfer (up to 30%), and assessment of prior learning.
  4. Attain a grade point average of at least 3.0 on all graduate work utilized in the degree program.
  5. For course grades earned during the Fall 2023 semester or any subsequent semester, grades applied toward the degree must be C- or higher. For course grades earned prior to the Fall 2023 semester, grades applied toward the degree must be C or higher.
  6. Satisfy a research requirement, such as a thesis (reflected by enrollment in a course numbered 799), seminar/degree paper, capstone project or internship.
    1. A maximum of 6 hours of thesis or internship credit can be applied to the degree.
    2. Theses must be supervised by an advisory committee consisting of at least three persons who hold MSU graduate faculty status. The chair must hold graduate research faculty status.
  7. Complete a culminating assessment of student learning, such as a comprehensive examination or professional presentation.
  8. Meet all additional program-specific degree requirements; and
  9. Complete all requirements within an eight-year period (exclusive of time spent in the U.S. Armed Forces).

To earn a doctoral degree, a candidate must:

  1. All students must complete the stated courses and minimum number of required credit hours for the program. Keep in mind that courses taken for undergraduate credit may not be used for a doctoral degree.
  2. Complete at least one-half of the minimum semester hours in courses numbered 700 or higher, which signifies that the courses have no associated undergraduate parallel.
  3. Fulfill no more than 49% of the required semester hours may be by combining senior permission (up to 12 hours), courses taken prior to admission to the program (up to 30%), transfer (up to 30%), and assessment of prior learning;
  4. Attain a grade point average of at least 3.0 on all graduate work utilized in the degree program.
  5. For course grades earned during the Fall 2023 semester or any subsequent semester, grades applied toward the degree must be C- or higher. For course grades earned prior to the Fall 2023 semester, grades applied toward the degree must be C or higher.
  6. Complete a doctoral research project, capstone, or a doctoral thesis.
    1. A doctoral research project must be overseen by a committee that consists of at least three (3) members. The Director must be a faculty member from the discipline and hold Graduate status (may be Research or Professional), and the other members must have expertise in the area of project focus.
    2. A doctoral thesis must be overseen by a committee that consists of four (4) members. The Chair (Director) of the doctoral thesis committee must hold Graduate Research Faculty Status. Two members of the committee must hold Graduate faculty status (may be Research or Professional). The fourth committee member must come from outside the academic unit and have expertise in the area of research focus.
  7. Presentation of the research results (thesis or project) at a forum approved by the academic unit.
  8. Complete a culminating assessment of student learning, such as a comprehensive examination or professional presentation;
  9. Meet all additional program-specific degree requirements.
  10. Complete all degree requirements within an eight-year period (excluding time spent in the United States Armed Forces).