New Graduate Student Orientation and New TA Training

The Graduate College hosts orientations to introduce graduate students to MSU 's requirements, resources, and services. While New Graduate Student Orientation (NGSO) is recommended for all new graduate students, the New Teaching Assistant Training (NTAT) is required in order to be paid as a TA.

In the fall, these events are held in-person on two separate days. In the spring, these orientations are offered online in one combined session.


Fall 2024 Orientation & Training Dates

New Teaching Assistant Training
Monday, August 12, 2024
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
PSU Ballroom West

New Graduate Student Orientation
Tuesday, August 13, 2024
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
PSU 313 Traywick Parliamentary Room

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More Information On TA Training

Any new graduate teaching assistant (TAs) must attend the TA orientation before teaching any class. Graduate assistants (GAs) and research assistants (RAs) are also welcome to attend this orientation.

New Teaching Assistant Training (NTAT) provides students with information relevant to their academic role, including:

  • Legal issues related to teaching
  • Managing conflict within the classroom 
  • Effective teaching strategies
  • Q&A Panel

Many academic departments also provide formal orientation and training sessions for their specific teaching assignments. Such departmental training is a supplement to, rather than a substitute for, this required orientation. In addition, all graduate assistants will be assigned required compliance trainings through the Office of Human Resources.

For new online students

Online students beginning in the fall semester are most certainly welcome and encouraged to attend the in-person new student orientation. If you are unable to attend the in-person event in the fall but are interested in receiving information for new students, please contact