Thesis & Dissertation Resources


Smiling Missouri State student at a laptop


We want you to succeed

Get the support you need

Your thesis/dissertation is the culimination of your graduate program. You'll choose a subject, develop a study, analyze the data and write the results.

Reference our helpful materials, and be sure to enroll early in the Thesis & Dissertation – Graduate College Brightspace course.

Enroll in the Thesis & Dissertation - Graduate College course

Review the necessary steps and requirements to complete and submit your thesis/dissertation for final approval.

If you are conducting a thesis or dissertion or if you are faculty who serve on thesis/dissertation committees, you are strongly encouraged to enroll in the Brightspace course titled "Thesis & Dissertation - Graduate College" (Course Code: Community_89). 

Self-enroll now

  1. Log into Brightspace
  2. Select “Discover” which is the top left menu item (under the MSU logo).
  3. Find the course titled “Thesis & Dissertation – Graduate College” (Course Code: Community_89).
  4. Select the “Thesis & Dissertation – Graduate College” course title
  5. Select “Enroll in Course” and then select “OK”
  6. The course will then be available to you on your “My Home” menu under “My Courses”

Review the thesis & dissertation publishing guide

The Thesis and Dissertation Publishing Guide serves as the primary formatting/style guide for MSU theses and dissertations. It contains instructions for meeting all of the requirements necessary for final Graduate College approval of a thesis/dissertation and for being published in MSU's repository, Bear Works. 

Follow the thesis initial submission checklist

The Thesis Initial Submission Checklist helps thesis/dissertation writers and advisors ensure all requirements in the Thesis and Dissertation Publishing Guide have been met.


If you have any questions about the Thesis Brightspace course, the documents linked above, or the thesis/dissertation submission process, feel free to email us at:

Consult with your committee chair (i.e., your thesis/dissertation advisor) to develop a timeline that best suits your project's needs.

Fall 2024, Spring 2025, Summer 2025

Thesis submission deadlines

Submit your thesis to the Graduate College using Brightspace by the deadlines below. All assignments must be complete.
January 10 is the deadline for final submission of all FA24 thesis requirements.
June 6 is the deadline for final submission of all SP24 thesis requirements.
August 22 is the deadline for final submission of all SU25 thesis requirements.

Need to request a thesis course to a non-thesis course?

If you need to change your culminating research experience from a thesis to a non-thesis project/seminar course, your academic unit may request the change by completing the Thesis Course to Non-Thesis Course Form.