
Op3.14 Graduate Assistant Time Records

The GA Timesheet form should be used by all Graduate Assistants (GAs) who are not Teaching Assistants or Graduate Research Assistants.

Graduate Teaching Assistants are those who are responsible for managing, instructing, and determining grades for credit and whose primary duty is teaching in an academic department. If the GA merely assists the professor with such things as grading papers, the GA will be considered a non-teaching GA and a time sheet will be required.

Graduate Research Assistants are those graduate students who are engaged in research in the course of obtaining advanced degrees and where the research is performed under the supervision of a member of the faculty in a research environment provided by the institution under a grant or contract.

Monthly time sheets should be submitted to the department head for review, signature and retention. The Payroll website should be accessed periodically for updated versions of the form. For any weeks of over 31 hours worked, a copy of the time sheet should be sent to Payroll on the first working day of the following month. If the week spans two months, copies of both months should be sent to Payroll as soon as possible.

Departments should retain time records for a minimum of five (5) years.

Completed forms are subject to random auditing. Departments that are out of compliance with these retention guidelines are subject to corrective actions that may include losing their right to hire graduate assistants.